Our History - Dallas, TX — Christ The King

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 Our History

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The history of Christ the King Church is closely interwoven with the growth of the city of Dallas, and particularly with the development of the northwest section of the city, during and after World War II. 

Catholic Church in Dallas, TX - Christ the King Catholic Church


In October 1940, Bishop Joseph P. Lynch announced plans for a new parish which would embrace that part of the city north of Mockingbird Lane and west of what is now known as the Central Expressway, with the parish plant located on Colgate, Preston Road and Westchester. 

There were relatively few houses in this vicinity in 1940. The William O'Connor family owned the only home between Preston Road and the Cotton Belt Railroad, with the exception of a few houses on Colgate and Caruth. 

Land was purchased from the O'Connor family and the O'Connor family augmented this purchase with the donation of a generous parcel of land.

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1941 - 1942

Construction of a temporary wooden church at the corner of Westchester and Colgate was begun in February 1941. In May, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wendelin J. Nold of Sacred Heart Cathedral was appointed the first pastor. 

The first mass and solemn blessing of the church took place on June 8, with Bishop Lynch presiding. The new parish started with a membership of 250 families. 

As soon as plans for the new parish had been announced, construction of houses in the immediate vicinity proceeded at an accelerated rate. 

The Altar Society was the first parish organization formed. Its duties were the care and maintenance of the altars. In 1942 the Men's Club was organized. It was later to take over the athletic program of the school, but at this time, it spearheaded the fundraising campaign.



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Catholic Church in Dallas, TX - Christ the King Catholic Church

1944 - 1947

This was followed in 1944 by the Mother's Club. These three organizations worked together toward a common goal, a Catholic school for their children. 

A master plan for Christ the King parish was developed by Msgr. Nold in 1947. It was a far-sighted plan for a parish building program, which included an auditorium-gymnasium and school.

From the architect's board came plans for a school with twelve-inch thick walls of cream-colored brick and a red, Spanish tile roof indigenous to this part of the country. It was built for safety and endurance as well as for beauty. Construction continued throughout the school year of 1946-1947. With the war's end only two years past, many post-war shortages had to be overcome. 

In 1946 Bishop Lynch laid the cornerstone. He was assisted by Monsignors W. J. Nold, John Gulczynski and W. J. Bender. The school opened in the fall of 1947 under the supervision of the Ursuline Nuns of the Roman Union, an order with a four-century heritage of tradition as outstanding teachers. 

On September 27, 1947, His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch of Chicago, Illinois, dedicated the beautiful new school. By this time the parish had grown to 500 families.

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Monsignor Nold was elevated to the Episcopate on February 25, 1948, and became Coadjutor Bishop of Galveston. Upon the death of Bishop Christopher Byrne he succeeded to the sec of Galveston-Houston. 

In April, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wilfred J. Bender, who was serving as rector of Sacred Heart Cathedral, was appointed second pastor of Christ the King Church. A native of Minnesota, he had been ordained for the diocese of Dallas in 1935. He was named a Papal Chamberlain in 1946 and was to become a Domestic Prelate in 1950.

It took three months for the new pastor to wind up his duties at the cathedral and, in the interim, the task of furnishing the new auditorium fell to Father James J. Reilly, assistant pastor. With the help of the men of the parish, the equipment from the old church was moved into the new auditorium, and it was in this newly completed auditorium Msgr. Bender said his first mass as the new pastor in July 1948.

With the initiative and enthusiasm of the new pastor, the building program progressed rapidly.

It had been evident from the first that the new school was too small to accommodate the children of the Catholic families pouring into the parish after the war. The parish was divided in 1948 when the southwest segment bordering Inwood Road and Lover's Lane was transferred to Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish. This did not, however, sufficiently alleviate the over-crowded condition of the school.



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Christ the King Catholic Church - Dallas Tx

1951 - 1952

In 1951 an additional six classrooms were added. 

In 1952, 2.16 acres bordering on Westchester were purchased at a cost of $100,000 to augment the athletic field and provide additional parking space. 

Msgr. Bender then focused his attention on building the new church.

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In 1953, a building committee was appointed. Monsignor, accompanied by Ray Foley and Joseph O. Neuhoff, members of the building committee, traveled to Illinois, Ohio, North Dakota and various places throughout California studying the work of architects as well as the design and decoration of various churches. As a palace befits a king, our church was to be a fitting abode for Christ the King. It was to be rich, yet simple in design; dignified and serene. It was to be a church of such outstanding beauty that it would give a feeling of reverence, divine inspiration and devotion to everyone.

A committee headed by Thomas H. Maher, with J. L. Latimer and Joseph O. Neuhoff serving as co-chairmen, was formed to head the drive to raise funds. The church was to cost over $1,000,000 and the goal for the drive was set at $500,000. One hundred and ninety volunteers worked the parish in a one-day drive. With not only cooperation but enthusiasm, the drive was over-subscribed by $150,000!

Mr. Edward Schulte of Cincinnati, Ohio, the architect who had drawn the plans for the auditorium and school, was charged with the task of designing the new church. The contract for the erection of the church was awarded to a former member of the parish, Leo Morgan of E. J. Morgan & Sons.

Huge machines were soon gnawing into the earth. Mountains of limestone, each piece numbered in the hieroglyphics of the building trade, were stacked beside tons of steel beams. A million dollars worth of brick, lumber, stone, cement, labor, worry and love went into making Christ the King the breathtakingly beautiful church it is today.

As the steel beams reached heavenward, the new church took shape. During the long months of construction every man, woman, and child in the parish watched with interest and pride the progress being made. None watched with more concern and interest than Msgr. Bender. From morning until night, he was always to be found with a set of plans in his hands, checking and rechecking the work.



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Catholic Church in Dallas, TX - Christ the King Catholic Church


In 1954 St. Monica's parish was formed to the west, taking that part of Christ the King parish which lies just west of Inwood Road and north of Northwest Highway. However, the city was building so fast to the north that the opening of St. Monica's school did little to relieve the overcrowded condition. 

The parish was divided for the third time in 1961 when St. Rita's, which takes in the section north of Royal Lane, was formed. The original wooden church from Christ the King served as St. Rita's Chapel of Ease. Monsignor Bender had the little church sawed in half and the two halves rolled to the present location on Willow Lane, just north of Forest Lane, where it was put together once again to serve as the nucleus of a new parish. 

A convent was then built on Colgate and Westchester. This lovely convent, built to accommodate eighteen nuns, has the most modern conveniences possible and is built to facilitate the lives of the nuns in their prayers and teaching.

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On the feast of Christ the King, October 30, 1955, His Excellency Bishop Thomas K. Gorman, the fourth Bishop of Dallas, blessed the cornerstone, dedicated the church and the ceremony was followed by Pontifical Mass. His Excellency Bishop Nold of Galveston-Houston, the first pastor of the church, delivered the sermon. 

"For this is 'none other but the House of God and the Gate of Heaven. As such it is dedicated this evening with grave and stately ceremony. It is bedowed with lustral water; it is perfumed with fragrant incense; it is hedged about with prayer. It is removed from profane use and made sacred and consecrate, set apart for the service of the Divine Majesty; made in all reality the House of God and the Court of the Heavenly King." 

-Taken from Bishop Nold's sermon.



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Catholic Church in Dallas, TX - Christ the King Catholic Church


The convent was dedicated on March 14, 1959, by His Excellency Bishop Thomas K. Gorman for the Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. The Community of the Bernardine Sisters, from its establishment in the United States in 1894, has as one of its important objectives the education of youth. In this they have proven most successful. 

This change in the teaching Order of Nuns was made necessary by the many demands made upon the Ursuline Nuns in their primary and high school departments. 

When Msgr. Nold first came to Christ the King parish he purchased for use as a rectory a white frame, two-story house on Colgate directly across from the present church. 

As the parish grew, it became necessary to have two assistants to help with the burden of caring for the growing parish. Not only were the living quarters crowded, but necessary office space was non-existent.

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Church photos from 1960’s and 1970’s

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A new rectory was built in 1960 adjoining the church on the north, facing Preston Road. The rectory was designed by Harwood K. Smith and complements the church in its arrangement and design. The rectory was built to house four assistants as well as the pastor. It has two guest rooms to be used at the time of mission and other religious functions. The public area contained four offices for the priests and four administrative offices (These were all changed into office space in 1994). The rectory was dedicated early in 1961.

The design and decor of the building emphasizes with quiet dignity not only the functional uses of the rectory, but furnishes an atmosphere of spiritual inspiration and contemplation for those in residence. The rectory was dedicated early in 1961 by Bishop Thomas K. Gorman.



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On November 28, 1961, the Eleventh National and Fourth Inter American Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine opened in Dallas. His Eminence, Amleto Giovanni Cardinal Cicognani, Vatican Secretary of State and Papal Legate, as well as personal representative of Pope John XXIII, was among the rectory's first guests. Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, together with the Papal entourage, were houseguests of Monsignor Bender during the Congress.

It was a heart-warming sight to see the flag of the United States and the flag of the Vatican displayed before the new rectory while the Papal entourage was in residence.

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In 1969 Msgr. William Botik became the new pastor. The parish continued to grow and develop as the surrounding area experienced similar growth. The school, with one class for grades K-8, grew to an enrollment of 218 students. The parish experienced similar growth and over the next twenty-five years was up to 1200 families and over 2500 parishioners.

Building programs in the 1980’s and early 1990’s added a Gymnasium to the school, conversion of the convent to a library and classroom space, a new Parish Center, extra classrooms and laboratories for specialty subjects in the school, a new Bride’s Room in the Church and expanded restrooms in the Church. All of this was completed during the twenty-five year tenure of Msgr. William Botik.



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In 1994, Msgr. Donald F. Zimmerman was appointed the new pastor upon Msgr. Botik’s retirement. He immediately addressed the continuing growth needs of the parish by implementing extensive expansion and renovation plans for both the church and the school. The capacity of the school was doubled with the addition of new classrooms, staff offices and special subject space.

All the school buildings were renovated and roofs were replaced. Enrollment was doubled to a capacity of 438 students. The Church was extensively renovated, stained glass windows were restored, a new terrazzo floor was installed, pews were refurbished, lighting systems were updated, and a new roof was installed.

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Church photos from 2003 - 2004


2005 - 2020

In 2005, Msgr. Zimmerman continued as the Pastor of Christ the King Church. Christ the King Parish, with its magnificent church and splendid school has come a long way since Bishop Lynch first authorized its beginning over fifty years ago.

Even with three divisions of its territorial limits, Christ the King now numbers over two thousand families and operates a school (K-8) with capacity for 438 students. The congregation has grown to over 6,000 members who are fully involved in the life of the parish, its school and the surrounding community.



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The Symbolic Beauty of our Church


Our church building was built with care and great love. From the exterior to the architecture inside, there is symbolic beauty in every piece.


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