Liturgical Ministries in Dallas, TX — Christ The King

Full Holy Week schedule on ‘News and Events’ page


Liturgical Ministries


Liturgical Ministries allow the laity to become involved in the sacramental life of the church. Through their ministry, they aid the clergy and congregation in their mission and prayer.



In this Ministry of Hospitality, ushers are entrusted with instilling a welcoming sense of belonging and aid in the assembly of the faithful for worship. As one of the first points of contact with Christ the King, ushers should seek to be an embodiment of the parish mission by celebrating the kingdom of God and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through this great ministry, the lay faithful may come to a fuller encounter with the liturgy.

If you have questions, contact Dr. Joel Ciarochi using the link below.


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Extraordinary Ministers

The administration of Holy Communion during the Mass is truly a great honor entrusted to the faithful. It is the ministry of bringing the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the people of God. It is also the ministry of witnessing to faith in the real presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice. The ministry of the Eucharist should, therefore, be treated with utmost dignity and reverence. At Christ the King, our Extraordinary Ministers aid the clergy and mission of bringing the Eucharist to the faithful.

Click here for the Lector and EM Schedule +

To get involved, contact Barry Drees using the link below.

Catholic Church in Dallas, TX - Christ the King Catholic Church
Catholic Church in Dallas, TX - Christ the King Catholic Church


When Sacred Scripture is proclaimed in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are an element of high importance in the Liturgy (GIRM 29, 55).

The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a ministry in the Church. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. In and through them God speaks to the gathered faithful. The ministry of the Word, therefore, is treated seriously and with great dignity.

Click here for the Lector and EM Schedule +

To get involved, contact Barry Drees using the link below.


Altar Servers

The server is a member of the assembly who assists the Priest and deacon during the Eucharist and other liturgical ceremonies so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. Servers should be active and full participants in the celebration with the understanding that they are first and foremost members of the assembly. Through Altar Serving, one aids in the actions of the Mass to tend to our Lord in the Holy Sepulchre.

Click here for Altar Server Instructions +

If you have questions or to get involved as an altar server, please contact Josh Berkovsky using the link below.

Catholic Church in Dallas, TX - Christ the King Catholic Church

The Rosary

The Rosary is a Marian devotion in which one prays while meditating on the life of Christ. This devotion runs deep in the life of Christ the King as many gather every day to meditate upon the mysteries and life of Christ.

  • Mon - Friday 7:40 am in the Church

  • Every Monday 12:30 pm in the Church

  • Every Saturday after the 8:00 am Mass in the Church 

  • First Friday - 12:30 pm in the Stained Glass Room in the Community Center

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Music Ministers

Music is an in integral part of our Worship and Liturgy at Christ the King. At Christ the King, all of our musicians maintain a high level of skill and are essential to our congregation’s experience in the Mass. We believe that our Music Ministers are one of our most powerful tools for expressing the Faith and connecting with the Divine. We offer a variety of musical styles and we aim to create a vibrant and uplifting worship experience for all who attend our Church.



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Safe Environment


In order to provide a loving, safe and nurturing environment for all, volunteers in this ministry must maintain Safe Environment clearance.


Join our Community

We graciously welcome all new parishioners to Christ the King. Give of your “Time, Talent, and Treasure” by joining us for Mass, volunteering in our community, or personally visiting our church.
Click here to get involved

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